Does your compressed air system have more leaks than a government department? Airborne ultrasound can stop you haemorrhaging money as well as air.
Keeping your air in is all part of managing the valuable commodity which is your compressed air system, and reciprocating compressor valve analysis has proven to be one of the most successful applications for leak-detection ultrasound technology. This technology 'eavesdrops' on the noise of the escaping air, amplifying it, pinpointing where your leak is, how much air you're losing, and therefore how much escaping air is costing your bottom line.
In noisy factories detecting air leaks is impossible without the use of this state-of-the-art, ultrasonic equipment. Often coming last in the chain of maintenance (air leaks don't drip and create puddles or burn out and stop production) leaking pipes & hoses are normally the least expensive consumable to repair.....but the most costly to your operation if left as an 'open sore'. In addition to leaks letting moisture in, they also force excess load on your system, making it work harder to maintain output. The drop in pressure they create forces your plant to use more energy, for longer, which ultimately shortens the equipment's life span. With leaks left unplugged, you'll never achieve system efficiency.
An air compressor leak detection survey can normally be done in one to two days, depending on the size of your plant. It's not only cost-effective, accurate & unobtrusive, it's also one of the easiest ways to reduce your operating costs whilst optimising your compressed air system. Parabolic microphones mean that even the highest set pipes can be analysed from the shop floor - 40 feet or more away (the microphones further amplify the sound). So, no ladders, no cherry pickers, no interruption to your plant's operation or your normal working day is required in order for the data to be collected.
![air compressor leak detection surveys not so easily seen](
Unfortunately air leaks in your system don't make themselves known in the same way as most other leaks.They steal your valuable commodity silently. You may only begin to suspect you have an issue when you notice a drop in performance - and a rise in energy costs, by which time thousands of pounds could already have been lost. "Air leaks? In our system??? Don't think we have any." You'd be surprised: tube connections, suction hose fittings, spring lock couplings, orifice tubing, compressor shaft seal hoses. And those are just the most common ones. Then there are: thread sealants, open condensate valves, shut-off valves, quick-disconnects, FRL units. The leak can be tiny....but the cost of it might amaze you. A 1/4 inch leak could easily cost you thousands of pounds per annum (based upon your PSIG, cost per kWh and annual hours operation).
Worse still, if your system has been poorly maintained, 30% of your air capacity could be lost to leaks. As the cost of energy is normally the most expensive item in your total system costs, this means that the leak is costing you an ongoing capital expense.
Now for the science: Air lost through a leak causes turbulence. It's no longer racing along with the other air molecules. It's broken free. The shortwave turbulence caused by its escape creates friction. It's this friction which the detector picks up and gives an audible voice to. It then amplifies this significantly - giving an unmistakable signal to the compressor engineer. The low frequency background noise of factories isn't picked up by our equipment, it recognises only shortwave signal ultrasonics. Essentially, it only hears the leaks - nothing else. Perfect.
So, if you do have a leak - and you've discovered it - brilliant!!!! First off, you're going to save money, possibly a lot of money. You've also helped the environment - because previously, before you became leak-aware, you were wasting energy (and money....just to really drive that point home).
After your compressed air leak detection survey we'll provide you with a costed leak report, detailing ALL your leaks, what they're costing you and how best to repair them (in most cases this is both easy and inexpensive). We'll also advise you about the overall efficiency of your system and check your actual air requirements as it may be overestimated for your production needs. Properly actioned, our report will put you ahead of the competition, because sadly, most companies don't pay any attention to leakage problems in their plant.
Contact EDC Air Compressors for your complete leak detection plan of action: evaluate, detect, identify, track, repair, verify.
Read the top 3 paybacks of an air leakage detection survey - they're not just monetary - and they might well surprise you.See our blog on compressed air leak detection surveys. |