Compressed air is one of the most important utilities for industries. It accounts for approx 10% of the electrical consumption in the UK.
So the need to generate compressed air in the most energy efficient manner is an issue of vital importance.
Savings made in your compressed air systems will have a significant impact on both your company's running costs and the environment.
SCR Air distributors can undertake an energy survey on your compressed air system, providing a detailed report with the potential to save you up to 30 - 35% on your compressed air running costs. This enables you to reduce expenditure, increase efficiency, lower your carbon footprint and free up funds for future investment & growth.
The PM2 series in the SCR range boasts some of the best energy savings potential for a compressor in the marketplace today. Super-efficient, low-cost variable speed PM2 machines have an exceptional speed range - from 25 to 100%, and come with IE4 permanent magnet technology. All of which means that SCR compressors work harder at reducing your energy usage. Contact us today to find out if you're using your compressed air efficiently.