Air compressor leasing. 'FairAir' is EDC's air compressor leasing package.
Want to pay only for the air you actually consume? Free up your capital and budget for your compressed air costs over a set period of time, whilst enjoying the benefits of a new, energy-efficient compressor. EDC Air compressors will conduct a free energy audit of your site to assess your requirements and ensure that your energy management systems are optimised for the air compressor to function at its most cost-effective level. We will then deliver, install and commission the unit, taking responsibility for maintaining the compressor and leaving you with just the cost of the actual air that you use. Keeping your old system going can compound inefficiencies - it may be wrongly sized, costly to maintain and electrically hungry. In contrast, we can show you projections of the saving you can make without any major expense. Essentially, the air compressor will pay for itself as it is used.
Contact us today for details of our air compressor leasing agreements, advancing your business whilst freeing it from crushing CAPEX costs. See the advantages of leasing versus buying air compressors.