Take a quick tour of the features and benefits of SCR compressors...then discover they're reducing their prices by 10-15% in 2020.
With an unrivalled build quality which includes Siemens components and German KTR couplings, SCR has designed top spec ultra high-efficiency compressors - the EPM range. These innovative units allow customers to drop a rating and still match the flow of competitors' machines.This means a lower purchase price and a more energy efficient air compressor. How do they achieve this? Most SCR compressors have fans and separators which are 30% larger than standard. This combination means they maximise energy savings, providing the highest output for the lowest input power. These machines will save you money (and energy) from the day of purchase.
Better still, an unprecedented price DECREASE is planned for 2020. Working in close partnership with the renowned Japanese company, Anest Iwata, SCR has benefited from refining production processes and economies of scale. Demand for compressors has increased on a worldwide scale, resulting in more SCR compressors being produced than ever before (so lowering the cost of their manufacture). Something SCR has chosen to pass on to their customers and distributors.
So, if your looking to "compress your costs and not blow your budget" contact us today. Email gmiller@edcscotland.co.uk