The world-renowned Robuschi logo has taken its place on the EDC air compressor's fleet. With Robuschi blowers designed specifically for the biogas industry (one of the growing number of sustainable, renewable energy sources) Robuschi is the perfect addition to the EDC stable of ABB variable speed drives and SCR air compressors.
Perfect because all three of our suppliers are dedicated to making the best use of energy, controlling your industrial applications with cutting-edge technology. This not only puts the user in complete control, but also simplifies your systems, whilst reducing your energy costs and extending the life of your equipment.
These are valuable assets in any supplier because most motors and air compressors operating in the workplace today do so without the control of a variable speed drive. As such, costly energy is wasted at start-up and your machinery goes through a constant and punishing regime of starting & stopping. The addition of a vsd to your air compressor (SCR manufactures air compressors with build in vsds) or motor powering a blower (Robuschi's blowers are designed to reduce running costs already thanks to their low energy consumption), allows a gentle ramp-up of the equipment and enables programming to meet demand - an effective use of your energy and a more gentle way to operate your plant. All of which helps you, your energy bills - and in turn, the planet.
Why not engage with us to discuss your compressed air requirements or take advantage of our compressed air energy audits - they could literally stop your profits going up in hot air. Call 0141 812 3222 today or email our experts at: